Posts Tagged ‘Peter Asmus’

Chevron in the News

I don’t write much about Chevron, as ExxonMobil is the lead-operating partner on the Chad/Cameroon Development Project.  But Chevron is one of the consortium members, with a 25% ownership stake in the venture.

This week’s East Bay Express features an article by Peter Asmus, The Case Against Chevron.  The article describes an unprecedented campaign by nonprofit groups targeting Chevron’s global operations.

The article doesn’t mention Chad or the pipeline; activists working on the Chad/Cameroon Development Project usually focus their attention on ExxonMobil. But it’s worth reminding people that the Chad Oil Project includes three private partners:  ExxonMobil, Petronas and Chevron.

I found Asmus’ article interesting as he devotes part of it to discussing if and how Chevron can become part of the solution, including what he calls, A 12 Step Program for Chevron.

A similar program could be drawn up for the Chad/Cameroon Development Project.  The challenge, of course, is getting a company as powerful as ExxonMobil to hear, let alone, heed the call for change.

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